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World Domination, Inc. is a punk rock record label and booking agency based in Seoul, South Korea. Established in 2009, our goals were simply to book shows and release records with our favorite punk, ska, and hardcore  bands  in   the   Korean  punk  scene.
Since then, we have grown and now help book tours abroad for Korean bands and work with foreign bands looking to come play in Korea. We've been fortunate to meet some great people and bands from all over the world. They've helped us in their countries, and we've helped them in ours. Through it all, our goals remain the same: release great music from great bands and support local scenes, wherever we encounter them. If you have any questions about the Korean scene, are looking to come to Korea with your band, or are a promoter in another country who wants to be contacted when any of our bands are touring near you, please CONTACT us. We look forward to hearing from you.

© 2024 World Domination, Inc.

Seongmisan-ro 16gil 6, Mapogu, Seoul, South Korea

월드 도미네이션 인코퍼레이트 (WORLD DOMINATION, INC.)

서울특별시 마포구 성미산로 16길 6

사업자등록번호: 878-06-00313

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